Orange Corners Baghdad graduates cohort 8

Last week, Orange Corners Baghdad celebrated the graduation of its eighth cohort with a vibrant graduation ceremony. The ceremony brought together public and private partners, representatives from the NL government, and of course the honorary guests: our entrepreneurs and their families.

Rania Akram from Orange Corners Baghdad implementing partner KAPITA kicked off the event, commending the graduates for their dedication in her speech. NL Youth Ambassador Jurriaan Middelhoff expressed his confidence in our entrepreneurs’ potential to drive positive change. We also heard from Saman Bojan of Asiacell and Alaa Faek from the National Bank of Iraq, both reaffirming their commitment to supporting young Iraqi entrepreneurs.

Finally, our Orange Corners Baghdad programme manager Mohammed Hameed applauded the graduates’ achievements, while HQ programme advisor Geerten Schurink capped off a fantastic celebration by awarding our young entrepreneurs their hard-earned certificates of participation. A lucky few also received further OCIF investment, propelling them further towards success.

Here’s to the bright futures ahead for our Orange Corners Baghdad alumni! Many congratulations to you all!

Kingdom of the Netherlands