Orange Corners Nigeria officially launches Ogun hub

On Monday July 15 2024, we proudly inaugurated our newest hub in Ogun State, Nigeria. The unveiling ceremony was graced by the presence of Adebola Sofela, the Ogun State Honourable Commissioner for Industry, Trade and Investment. Other distinguished attendees included Michel Deelen, Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Lagos, and representatives from our Orange Corners Nigeria implementing partner FATE Foundation and the Ogun State Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment.

In his keynote address, Adebola Sofela emphasised the critical role of entrepreneurship in economic development. “The foundation of any thriving economy is built on the innovation, creativity, and dedication of its entrepreneurs. The Orange Corners Nigeria Hub in Ogun State is not just a physical space; it’s a beacon of hope and opportunity for our youth,” he stated.

Following the official launch, the guests were given a tour of the new hub, which is designed to inspire and nurture young entrepreneurs with state-of-the-art workspaces, classrooms and collaborative areas. This initiative underscores Orange Corners Nigeria’s commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship among the youth in Ogun State. Over the next five years, 100 innovative young entrepreneurs from Ogun State will benefit from our comprehensive six-month incubation programme.

Kingdom of the Netherlands