Orange Corners Head of Research Milou Derks defends PhD

Guess who just became Dr. Ir. Milou? Last month our very own Head of Research Milou Derks defended her PhD titled “Value Creation Dynamics in Low-Income Countries: A Business Ecosystem Perspective”.

Over the past few years, Milou’s been out in the field – Zambia, Kenya, Burundi, Indonesia – getting her hands dirty (figuratively, we assume) and unraveling how value flows through business ecosystems in low- and middle-income countries. Her work dives deep into what makes these ecosystems tick and, seeking practical and actionable insights on how we can better drive sustainable development and the SDGs 🌏.

A few insights from Milou’s research:

🔸 Business ecosystem perspective helps us see how value is created and captured, uncovering low-value traps and growth constraints
🔸 Policies need to lift everyone up, not just a select few, so we need to evaluate how they will impact value creation and capture of all actor groups
🔸 Scaling impact? Think bigger – focus on the whole ecosystem, not just individual organisations!

Curious minds can dive into her thesis right here.

Milou’s work shows just how much research can be a gamechanger for entrepreneurs, communities and policymakers. We’re feeling pretty lucky to have her steering the ship when it comes to research here at Orange Corners. Let’s give Milou a (virtual) round of applause – she’s earned it!

Kingdom of the Netherlands