Orange Corners is pleased to announce the winners of the first round of the Orange Corners incubation and acceleration subsidy programme, which closed on 30 June 2023. Round 1 covered 8 countries: Algeria, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Iraq, Morocco and Mozambique. The winners of round 2, which closed on 29 September, will be announced separately next month. Stay tuned for that!
In Algeria we welcome Sylabs as our new implementing partner. Founded in 2015 by Abdellah Mallek, Sylabs is Algeria’s first private startup accelerator. Sylabs offers Algeria’s growing community of entrepreneurs and techies a place to network, collaborate and host events. Their ultimate goal? To unleash the full potential of Algerian youth.
For the next five years, our new implementing partner in Angola is Acelera. This leading Angolan incubator and accelerator specialises in providing tailored solutions and programmes to empower SMEs and startups on their way to sustainability. Committed to driving innovation, Acelera engages companies and organisations to transform ideas into impactful realities. In this way, Acelera redefines the future narrative for a more sustainable and prosperous economic landscape, fostering collaboration and lasting business success.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
In DRC, we are happy to continue working with our current implementing partner, Ingenious City. Well-known to those who have followed Orange Corners DRC since its inception: Ingenious City is an incubator that trains for entrepreneurship skills, promotes entrepreneurial spirit and connects people seeking to uplift the ecosystem across DRC.
In Egypt too, the Orange Corners programme will continue under the spirited lead of Outreach Egypt. Continuing their operations as Orange Corners Egypt, consultancy for development Outreach Egypt has many years’ experience implementing youth entrepreneurship programmes.
Winner of the Orange Corners incubation and acceleration subsidy 2024-2028 in Ghana is GrowthAfrica. GrowthAfrica is a non-profit foundation, dedicated to growing Africa through growing impacting ventures and businesses delivering sustainable jobs and economic progress throughout the continent.
In Iraq, we are delighted to continue our partnership with KAPITA Business Hub. In the last few years, this private sector development company has supported over 100 Orange Corners alumni, and more will follow in the next five years.
Changes are afoot in Morocco! As of next year, our two programmes in Morocco (La Caravane and Sports Orange Corners) will merge under the guidance of Bidaya. La Caravane will continue its journey by implementing incubation programmes in different cities around Morocco. In addition, an annual Sports cohort will be implemented in Casablanca, in collaboration with TIBU Africa.
In Mozambique, we’re happy to renew our collaboration with our current Orange Corners Mozambique implementing partner, Ideialab. Guiding young entrepreneurs since 2010, Ideialab and Orange Corners share a commitment to promoting a stronger business environment in Mozambique.
Congratulations to all the winners: we look forward to working with you in the next five years!