On 2 November 2020, the Youth at Heart Virtual Forum took place. This was exciting virtual event organised by the Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs where several interesting and pressing Youth-related topics were discussed. During the event 1700+ participants from over 100 countries joined 23 sessions that over 75 organisations have organised.

In the run-up to this event, Orange Corners organised several virtual pre-sessions on several relevant Youth topics in the week before the main event.

Check out some key-take outs of these sessions below:

Female entrepreneurship: The key to global economic development

  1. Cultural barriers need to be bridged, they are persistent and require several cultural shifts.
  2. Education institutes need to implement and improve entrepreneurship education from a young age.
  3. There is a need for a contextual approach to solving the barriers for female entrepreneurship

Green and social enterprises in the MENA-region

  1. Social entrepreneurship should be the norm as it provides more inclusive solutions
  2. A Green MENA can be achieved through collaboration and partnership
  3. We need to look for solutions tailored to the communities

Bridging the finance gap for young entrepreneurs in West Africa

  1. governments and financial institutions need to do more to support young entrepreneurs financially
  2. Entrepreneurship education needs to be improved in order to improve the investment readiness of startups

National Startup policies, the role of youth & the international community

  1. Practical and inclusive policies need to consider the voices of the youth
  2. Young people need to be included in policy making process start to finish
  3. Policy for youth which is not understood by the youth is bad policy
Kingdom of the Netherlands